Our Business Philosophy and Statement of Principles

Warren Technology, Inc. has served the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning industry for over 60 years in the USA and several countries abroad.

With emphasis on leading edge technology, our Heating and Air Distribution products are designed to improve the comfort and efficiency of air conditioning systems in commercial, residential, and industrial buildings, and are sold to contractors and building owners through our sales representatives and distributors.

From the President

This philosophy constitutes the principles and ethics by which we at Warren Technology conduct our business. Like all successful companies, we strive to produce quality products at a competitive price for our customers, pay fair wages to our employees, earn an adequate return on our investment and conduct ourselves as good corporate neighbors in the community in which we work and live. You, as a customer, employee, supplier, neighbor or friend, are entitled to know how we go about achieving these objectives.

We hope that these statements will give you a better insight into Warren Technology and will encourage you to know more about us.

Roy Kelley

We Believe...

in the application of the Golden Rule to all phases of our business relationship . . . with our customers, our management and employees, our stockholders, our sales representatives, our suppliers, our Government and with our neighbors. We have definite obligations to each.

Customer Relations

that our customers are entitled to products and services of the highest quality at a fair price. Our objective has always been the “Satisfied Customer" who will rely on us to help resolve their problems and meet their needs on both an immediate and long lasting relationship. To assure meeting this objective in our daily operations, the Company's management and employees subscribe to the following principles:

  • engineer, develop, manufacture and market only quality products with appropriate safety provisions for their use.
  • assure customers of a dependable source of supply and a timely delivery of orders in keeping with our customers' needs.
  • continue all transactions with honesty and truthfulness, avoiding the exchange of favors, entertainment, gifts, or personal gratuities that would hamper the independence of either party or adversely affect the sound business basis of the transaction.

Community Relations

that the Company should be a good neighbor in the communities where it operates facilities and its employees live. In fulfilling this role, our management subscribes to the following policies:

  • maintain our buildings and grounds in good condition from both an esthetic and environmental standpoint, making our facilities an asset to the community.
  • encourage active support and involvement by Company personnel in civic projects which will benefit the progress and development of the community.
  • ensure that the property and rights of our neighbors are respected by the Company and its employees.

Supplier Relations

that our suppliers and their sales representatives, with their specialized knowledge of the products and services which they offer, play an important role in the continuing profitable operation of our Company. With this philosophy in mind, the following guidelines have been set for maintaining a close working relationship with our suppliers:

  • provide a prompt and courteous reception and interview for supplier representatives.
  • encourage and assist supplier sales representatives to meet with personnel in the Company most directly involved in the application or use of the supplier's products or services where such discussions will forward our mutual interests.
  • select and purchase from suppliers without prejudice, always striving to obtain the maximum value for each dollar of expenditure.
  • avoid the exchange of any gifts, entertainment, gratuities, or any other considerations which would embarrass either the representative, Warren Technology, or in any way influence the fairness of the transaction.

Employee Relations

that our employees – their knowledge, skills, dedication, and loyalty – are our most vital resource. Warren is committed to developing a climate that will enable people to grow with the Company to the best of their ability. We believe that management has the responsibility to:

  • hire and promote employees on the basis of ability without discrimination as to race, creed, age, sex, physical handicap or other arbitrary judgments.
  • maintain pay scales which compare favorably with similar positions in the community.
    respect the dignity of the individual.
  • provide a comprehensive program of fringe benefits for the employee and his family.
  • offer present employees the first opportunity for promotions and new job openings for which they are qualified.
  • offer on-job and management training for employees and supervisors to better equip them for promotion and advancement.
  • provide a pleasant and safe environment in which to work.
  • encourage and reward suggestions from employees for improvements in work methods, procedures, products and working conditions.

In turn, we expect employees to be loyal to the interests of the Company, to work conscientiously at their assigned tasks, and to exercise good judgment, prudence, vigilance and integrity in all their activities and duties.

Government Relations

in the vitality of our democratic form of government and in the strength of the American free enterprise system upon which America's prosperity has been built. Above all, we strive to be law-abiding citizens in whatever country, state or community we conduct business. In carrying out our duties as a good corporate citizen, we subscribe to the following practices:

  • accept responsibility for our tax obligations as a proper share in support of the free enterprise system, exhibiting interest and concern with the manner in which these taxes are spent by government in the pursuit of local, state and national objectives.
  • encourage our employees, as in any democratic society, to take an active and constructive part in the political process in accordance with the regulations and generally accepted practices governing such actions. The Company, however, follows the strict policy of not endorsing or supporting, directly or indirectly. any political party or candidate.
  • when the government is our customer, offer fair prices and maintain the same high standards of manufacturing and service for which we strive in other segments of our operations.
  • in complying with both the spirit and letter with those government regulations which affect our operations, and actively work through recognized industry groups to influence changes in these regulations when we believe such changes are warranted.